Behind the Curtain of Laser Hair Therapy


Laser Therapy for Hair LossWe all know how laser therapy is used to remove hair permanently. But what we don’t hear about is the use of lasers to help restore hair. Back in 1967, a Hungarian scientist discovered that the use of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) was a very direct and efficient way to stimulate hair growth. The follicles are stimulated via the laser that helps generate blood flow. And unlike the laser that takes away hair, this is a “cold light” laser, so there is no sensation during the process.

So, how long does it take? The typical process would be 2-3 visits a week that last around a half hour. The whole process, depending on the situation, can take anywhere between 4-6 months. This laser hair therapy technique is really only used for male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness. Altogether the process has no side effects and is completely painless.

In most cases, this therapy procedure produces thicker hair with more sheen than before, giving those who complete the process a much younger look. If this is you, suffering from male or female pattern baldness, LLLT might be exactly what you are looking for. If you have any questions or want to set a free consultation appointment, please contact us HERE at Van Scoy Hair Clinics. We have trained professionals who are here to help you get to where you want to be!


Photo Credit: Maria Morri via Flickr Creative Commons