Why Menopause Doesn’t Have to Mean Hair Loss

menopauseBy the age of 50, half of all women experience some sort of hair thinning, according to the North American Menopause Society. While hair thinning may be predetermined by genetics, there are also plenty of other causes of hair loss in a woman’s 50s and 60s.

To avoid significantly thinning hair, women should identify the underlying cause of their hair loss and aggressively seek treatment. With help from a doctor, a hair loss specialist and a combination of medications, topical treatments and other hair-health boosters, many menopausal women report they can stop their hair loss.

How Menopause Causes Hair Loss

When a woman begins menopause, her body stops producing the same levels of estrogen and progesterone. These two hormones encourage hair growth and overall hair health, so many women experience a drop-in hair thickness when their hormones start to change. As these hormones decrease, many women’s androgens become more potent. These androgens can trigger hair thinning, and it can also cause facial hair in women.

To treat menopause, doctors may recommend that women take testosterone. Androgen-sensitive women may experience even more hair loss as a result of this treatment. Plus, many women entering menopause may have taken hormonal birth control, which encouraged hair growth. When they stop using birth control, women may notice thinning that occurs as hair growth returns to normal levels.

Other Hair-Loss Factors

Women may attribute hair thinning to menopause, but there are other causes of hair loss that coincide with menopause. First, menopause can often cause weight gain, and weight-control diets can cause hair loss. Weight gain can also cause increased androgen levels, leading to thinning hair.

Second, certain women are genetically predisposed to hair loss. While most women over 50 experience some hair loss, genetics may determine if it’s a subtle thinning or significant loss.

Third, hair loss can cause stress, which then accelerates hair loss. Menopause may also cause higher stress levels in certain women, leading to a discouraging cycle of hair-loss-related stress and resulting additional hair loss.

Some women may also take medications or have a vitamin deficiency that causes hair loss. All women should make sure they consume enough folic acid and vitamin B-6 to encourage hair growth. Thyroid imbalances, surgeries and general illness can also prompt hair loss in menopausal women.

Overcoming Hair Loss

Hair loss isn’t an inevitable side effect of menopause. Even if the cause is hormonal, treatment options are still available. Experts recommend women who notice hair loss see their doctors to develop a treatment plan. Making an appointment at a hair loss studio is also an option. They can offer immediate hair restoration techniques.

Regular exercise may also help stop menopause symptoms and encourage a hormone balance that protects hair health. It may take several months to notice any visible change.

Women who miss their hair shouldn’t just ignore menopause-related hair loss. Researchers have found that hair loss is linked with a loss of self-esteem and confidence. In more extreme cases, hair loss can cause depression, anxiety and other serious issues, so women should strongly consider pursuing treatment if hair loss bothers them.

Each year, new treatments are approved to treat hair loss. Women who are experiencing hair loss should attempt to determine and treat the root cause. By carefully tracking the efficiency of these treatments and protecting their overall health, many menopausal women can beat the hair-loss blues.

Van Scoy Hair Clinics are dedicated to helping women find beautiful, practical solutions to female hair loss, regardless of cause. If you’re suffering from hair loss, we will find the solution that’s right for you. To schedule a free consultation call us at (419) 289-6665 or to contact us via email click here.



Photo Credit: agnesti Via Pixabay


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