Laser Hair Therapy: The Future of Hair Restoration

Laser Hair Therapy: The Future of Hair Restoration

Micro Pointe women's hair loss restoration ohioMany people have tried to disguise hair loss with special hair styles, wigs, hats or scarves, even though these solutions really only masked the underlying problem. Eventually, men and women suffering from hair loss could turn to hair replacement surgery for a more permanent solution. Others were frightened by the thought of a surgical procedure and continued with temporary solutions. Today, there is a better, permanent, non-surgical solution to hair loss: laser hair therapy.

Technology Meets Hair Loss

Laser hair therapy or low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is a new, scientific and technologically savvy approach to the treatment of thinning hair and baldness, as well as other conditions of the scalp. During the laser hair therapy treatment, a device containing low levels of laser energy transfers that energy to the scalp, where the energy is released in the form of a laser light. The light rotates its position and reaches multiple affected areas of the scalp; as the light makes contact with the scalp, it stimulates hair follicles, which prompt better circulation. As an effect of the stimulation and enhanced circulation, the follicles are able to produce new, healthy hair.

What Are the Benefits of Laser Hair Therapy?

Men and women who choose laser hair therapy for mild or beginning stages of hair loss are likely to have the most beneficial experiences after undergoing 10 or more sessions. The biggest benefit is that these individuals can begin growing their own, natural hair. While this end result can be achieved through hair replacement surgery, many appreciate the fact that laser hair therapy is non-invasive. Others may use laser hair therapy in combination with hair replacement surgery in efforts to speed up the healing and growth. In either case, hair is often thicker, stronger and shinier as a result of the enhanced blood circulation. In addition to re-growing hair in affected areas, the procedure can also prevent further hair loss.

The History of Low-Powered Laser Treatments

Many people who hear the term “laser” may automatically think of high-powered laser beams that harness the power of heat to cut through tissue in the medical field. In the early 1960s, however, Hungarian professor Endre Mester began to experiment with the concept and effects of less powerful lasers on conditions such as skin cancer. These less powerful lasers do not produce heat and are also often referred to as “cold lasers.” Cold lasers are only able to penetrate approximately 0.5 cm (0.2 inches) into the skin, unlike traditional high-powered ones that burn through the skin. Endre Mester understood this concept; during experimentation he discovered that shaved mice began to regrow their fur after being exposed to the cold laser.

The Future of Hair Replacement

While the concept of treating hair loss with low-powered laser lights has existed since the 1960s, it has only recently become a widely accepted practice. This is, in part, due to limited historical treatment studies or research. In recent years, numerous trials and further research studies have focused on low level laser therapy for hair loss and other conditions, with positive outcomes, leading to an increase in popularity.

While it is unlikely that any changes will be made to the actual laser technology itself, it is likely that the devices used to emit the beams will become smaller, and more easily accessible. All of these factors, along with the non-invasive nature, suggest that laser hair therapy will become the preferred method of hair replacement in the future.

At Van Scoy Hair Clinics we offer the latest in laser hair therapy technology along with every other hair loss solution available today.

For more than 46 years, we have helped thousands of men, women and children in the Cleveland, Columbus and Ashland, Ohio area suffering from hair loss and thinning hair, regardless of the cause of their hair loss. To schedule a free consultation call us at (419) 289-6665 or to contact us via email click here.

